LETTERPRESS is an 11 Letter Word.

July 9, 2022

Ho’okipa a me ke Aloha!

Today is a very important day for me. My Daughter just successfully transferred my MUSIC from an older device to this device! Sounds simple to many; but I hadn’t a clue on how to do. I have been excited for this moment for a while, so . . . yeah.

It is said that: “Music soothes the savage breast”. I use mine for my meditative states that are a-plenty. Is your music important to you? I imagine it is. If you have music in your head - you have MUSIC! Steveland Wonder called it: Innervision.

It is nice to also have it when needed. This is freeing. Nine days until we head to Anacortes! STOKED.

July 8, 2022

Ho’okipa a me ke Aloha! = Welcome!

We just received an email from The Hamilton Wood Type Museum (Two Rivers, Wisconsin) announcing a “Call for Presenters” at their 2022 Wayzgoose! I am going to apply for one of the slots. Our topic will be: “200 Years of Hawaiian Literacy!” If you didn’t already know it, our Printing Museum is in the midst of a year-long Bicentennial Celebration on this very topic. It would be a wonderful opportunity to spread the word to a “captive audience” of Internationally Like-Minded Folks! Wish me luck.

Their Museum is a very special place. Check it out!

July 7, 2022

I hope you were safe . . . WELCOME BACK!

It grieves me to say that there was another HORRIFIC example of senseless GUN VIOLENCE: at a 4th of July Parade? Automatic weapon? Still? This is turning into: “WHEN”. . . NOT “IF”. What is there to say but that our hearts go out to the grieving families and friends of the victims?

There was an article in The NY Times asking: “What if the public was shown ACTUAL IMAGES of CARNAGE from these incidents? Would that motivate change?”

Puts me to mind of my late teens (1967-69) when the daily death tolls of the Vietnam “Conflict” were represented by NUMBERS (just like The Stock Exchange) at the close of Nightly News Programs.

My parents subscribed to LIFE Magazine. LIFE showed the ACTUAL IMAGES of CARNAGE; and I believe it motivated a VAST number of people to GET UP OFF OF THEIR COUCHES and head to the streets to PROTEST the ABSURDITY of HUMAN LIFE AS A NUMBER!

It seems as though a large swath of our Society has disconnected from the HORROR of such incidents. How can this be? This ISN’T HAPPENING TO SOMEONE ELSE . . . it is happening to ALL of US, AMERICA.

E Pluribus Unum?

Speechless now.

July 1, 2022

NOTICE . . .


June 30, 2022

Aloha and Mahalo for returning . . .

As the saying goes: “What a difference a day makes”. Today’s highlight was folding my Granddaughter’s laundry. She is almost 5 years old and really has not displayed very much interest in folding her own clothes and putting them away. Mundane, yes. However, when a breakthrough like the one today occurs - and folding laundry is now “Fun! I LOVE folding laundry!” Then it remains fun for over an hour. Break through.

The key for the reversal? I showed her how to turn clothes right-side-out when they were inside-out. It turned into a near magic trick. Stick your arm down the sleeve/leg, grab on and pull! Super Mundane? You bet.

June 29, 2022.


I almost wrote “Good Morning” but after yesterday’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court which INVADES, ONCE AGAIN, women’s rights over their own bodies. I don’t think that “Good Morning” would apply for at least 50% of the population, so it’s Hello for today.

Also, thinking about Anne Frank. How can it be that we humans seemingly have not had enough horror in our past to insure no such horrors recur? Children are SUFFERING daily. Why? Instead of fearing some insane regime we currently FEAR OURSELVES and the lengths we will go to as a Society. The UNIMAGINABLE has now become COMMONPLACE!!!

That’s it. I gotta sign off. Just too darned SAD . . .

June 27, 2022

Good Morning!

I started out my day re-watching videos of the largest waves ever surfed!

Just recently, a surfer from Germany - Sebastian Steudtner - was recognized by the Guinness Book of Worlds Records as the person holding that title. Although he rode the gigantic wave in 2020, it took a year and a half to confirm; but the wave at Nazaré, Portugal measured 86 feet!!

The impetus behind watching was a prompt from my Granddaughter Loie (eight years old). I did a drawing for her when she was six titled: “Lois Learns to Surf”. The drawing (which I will attach here when my new phone arrives - long story) sparked a conversation between us about water safety.

Loie is learning some of the more important aspects of swimming and just yesterday - for the first time - jumped off the diving board into THE DEEP END at 11 feet! She is already talking about wanting to go to Hawai’i to learn to surf . . . Maikai!

Indeed, she was a bit alarmed when we first started watching these amazingly LARGE waves being challenged by that tiny speck of a surfer! After a bit of watching though, she was genuinely STOKED by what she saw. Watching the surfers emerge from the enormous tubes formed as the waves crashed stories above them is RADICAL!

I wonder what the Ancient Hawaiians would think about this. Probably: “Maikai!” (Externally Very Good!”)

June 25, 2022

Ho’okipa a me ke Aloha! (Welcome!)

Hawaiian Letterpress! For MUCH MORE on this topic, go to the Menu on our Home Page and check out my Blog: “HAWAIIAN LITERACY”.

I watched a wonderful video this afternoon. It was a presentation by The Mission Houses Historical Site and Archives in Honolulu, Hawai’i. It’s called “Hawai’i 1820”.

Go to their website: missionhouses.org to access this very moving video.

It is one of many video presentations being offered as living history depictions of the Players who were most instrumental in the change from the “Old Way” of life under the kapu system (pre 1819); to the “New Way” (post 1819) following the teachings of the Palapala and Jehovah.

Hearing their ACTUAL WORDS (taken from their journals, letters, and published stories) you will understand better the conditions under which they undertook this amazing, monumental task: LITERACY for all Hawaiians who desired it!

Now Something Diff. . .

I would like to start out by talking about some items in our Collection that need a Good New Home. If you are associated with Museums, you probably understand a common issue that we pretty much ALL face. That is: The amount of Donations a Museum can accept and Properly care for.

It can be a perplexing scenario. Our Museum’s Mission Statement clearly speaks to preservation; but an institution can only do so much and it is up to the Directors and Members to decide which path to pursue and what to prioritize in The Collection.

June 22, 2022

Items FOR SALE...

LINOTYPE MATRICES/TOOLS/PARTS/Etc . . . During my L-O-N-G and wonderful career as a Linotype Operator/Machinist, as would be expected, I have accumulated some interesting and USEFUL items that really ought to be in use. If you are familiar at all with linecasting, you know the precision necessary to keep the various Machines running at their peak. The tools, parts, and support items are quite specific to the Trade and likewise should be in use. Since 1988, The Living Museum of Letterpress Printing has committed itself to seeing that that very thing happens and will continue to happen. WE DO NOT SCRAP - We Steward.

So . . . Contact us and let’s start a conversation that will get these valuable items where they should be - IN USE!

WHY ARE WE OFFERING YOU: Lots of beautifully cared for Matrices? Well, these Matrices come from a Typesetting Service in Seattle, so we are the 2nd owners. As a Linotypist, I can attest to the fact that they are in EXCELLENT condition. We have some Fonts that are New Old Stock and have never been circulated in a Machine! Also, an extensive selection of Sorts Matrices and Border Slides. Let us know what you’re looking for and maybe we have it! We can send photos as well. We want these tools to be utilized!!

Contact us:


June 21, 2022

Aloha and Welcome Back . . .

This morning my 8-year old Granddaughter Loie (lo-ee-ay in Hawaiian) reminded me that today at 4:13 a.m., the Summer Solstice began! Spending a couple of months in the Midwest is a great way to remind oneself that The WEATHER is “A THING”.

Our home in Anacortes, (we call it Dreamsville) (Moe’uhane Hale), is situated on an island with channels (alawa’i); cliffs (pali); bays (hono); mudflats (papa lepo) - all things maritime. Where I live, the wind (makani) is a major factor in the temperature of the day (lā). Also, there are mountains (mauna) that set up weather patterns of their own that eventually influence the areas that surround them. And . . . ALL OF THAT OCEAN WATER (kai).

Not so in Wisconsin!

In the MIDWEST, the Great Plains call the shots regarding the weather. Not counting the cities, there is mile upon mile of open land that helps create the HUGE cloud banks that are constantly forming. It SO reminds me of Hawai’i. Even the rain (ua) and the manner in which it falls is very similar.

Hot Summer Rain! Radical lightening (uila) storms! Wind that is hot (wela makani) if it is a hot day; and cold (anu) if it is a cold day.

Here in Wisconsin, the clouds (ao) gather their strength (mana) from the wide open spaces of land (kula). In Anacortes, they gather their forces from the immensity and variety of the landscape; combined with the Pacific Ocean (moana) which, pretty much decides what the weather will do.

As my Father, Don Arturo Lee Squires II used to say: “Mijo (son), that’s what makes the World go around”.

Here’s hoping you have a very nice Summer Solstice!


June 20, 2022


Today marks the second official celebration of Juneteenth as a National Holiday - the 11th National Holiday! Check out the front page of The NY Times for an interesting article. It is a Juneteenth Sad/Happy Celebration in Central Park - the site of an early African American settlement: SENECA VILLAGE. See how folks are turning something sad into something BEAUTIFUL!

June 19, 2022 - Juneteenth

Ho’okipa a me ke Aloha!

The date, June 19, 1865, refers to the day when enslaved African Americans learned of their emancipation; TWO YEARS AFTER the signing of The Emancipation Proclamation by President Lincoln!!!

Let’s all celebrate this day by taking some kind of ACTION. It can be as simple as talking to your children or someone new about what this day means. Place a sign in your yard or on your business.

Ask your African AMERICAN friends how they are celebrating Independence for ALL!

June 18, 2022

Next . . .

PAPER CUTTER - VERY LARGE, VERY HEAVY!! . . . 34” Knife. 1923 Challenge “Diamond”. Motorized and in FANTASTIC shape. Our Letterpress Company (Seattle) purchased it NEW in 1923; but we no longer use it and we need the space FOR EXHIBITS! Contact us for further details and photos, but be aware . . . this cutter weighs in @ 2000 pounds. Two motors!

Diamond Cutter . . . What a “GEM”!


Contact Us.

How about a Golding Pearl #11?

All wrapped up and waiting for YOU!

June 17, 2022

I just love this description of the workings of the LINOTYPE Machine. It’s from a 1934 Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary with 3000+ pages that weighs many pounds!

I hate to say it . . . but I told you so!!!!!!!!

Ink drying on the posters commemorating The Bicentennial of the first printing in Hawai’i. I drew the top portion and had it digitally produced; then I printed the 17-character Hawaiian Alphabet on the bottom using The Hawai’i (Carlton) Press. On our Home Page there is a video showing me do just that on Jan. 7, 2022.

June 16, 2022

One of many Bad Penny Business Cards we produced (Kay designed & printed this one) during our Belltown, Seattle days in the early 1990’s. Excepting the BAD PENNY display type, all else is Linotype composition. This card went through the press three times (once for each color).

Here is a photo of our Kitchen Wall.

The photo was taken in 2012, therefore the only thing that remains in 2022 is the wall phone. YES, it is connected . . . and, NO that is not our phone number. So, clockwise from the left: Dial Phone; Prototype I did for Disney Pitch; 45 rpm “F I R E” by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown; Glass Man Sculpture (artist unknown); 1961* SPOON Calendar from the Ephemera Collection (we have more); “E T C”, one of my sculptures.

* Note: 1961 is the last “Upside Down Year” until 6009!

Kay managing our Booth as Bad Penny Letterpress (we renamed our 1906 commercial business) at the 2011 Anacortes Farmers Market Holiday Show.

Look what arrived the other day from a fine art dealer in Italy! This is a 1785 engraving after a John Webber illustration. Webber was the official artist on Cook’s 3rd (and final) Voyage. It is currently on display in our Exhibit, “Hawaiian Literacy: 200 Years”.

MAKE AN APPOINTMENT to visit and see for your own self!

June 14, 2022

An 1831 account of The Missionaries activities, 11 years into it. This could have easily been called: “Ka Hele Malehini Ana”- “The Pilgrim’s Progress”.

North American Post Box from Japan. Composing Sticks are from our collection. There were many different manufacturers of these VITAL tools. We have an impressive array!

June 13, 2022

A’Town Bistro’s “ANIMAL STACK” logo that I created back in 2011. Great People - Amazing Restaurant!

My 8-year old Granddaughter Loie (lo-ee-ay in Hawaiian) and I made Kitty Rice Balls. We LOVE Sushi!

A piece of type from the scrap pile that we gave as souvenirs to folks over the past 32 years.

This beautiful illustration is from The Printing House Craftsmen of Honolulu’s 500th Anniversary (1950) commemoration of Gutenberg’s achievements (1450). The statement above needs correcting - the press arrived in 1820.

June 12, 2022

The photo below was taken in 2011!

Putting the finishing color down on the Vandercook SP15. Six times through the press and LOTS of form building! BAD PENNY donated this poster because we believe STRONGLY that Farmers Markets NEED to exist. As a 501(c)(3) non profit corporation, the Anacortes Farmers Market depends upon outside funding to complete their Budget. Donations such as ours can make a BIG difference in balancing that Budget. In this case, $1100 (value of poster) made a big difference. I know. I was on the Board of Directors as Treasurer, then as President. I left the Board to take the position of Co-Manager of The Market. One of the best experiences of my life has been seeing the differences an effective Board can bring to fruition in a Community. In this case, their Mission is to GET QUALITY FOOD and SUPPORT to those in need. How “those in need” is defined? It’s your call.

This placard was attached to the Linotype just where the Spacebands were stored - ready for use. It was paramount that this directive be followed! Spacebands were the only part of the “LINE” in LINOTYPE that was in continuous use. Matrices came and went as the Magazines that held them were changed as needed. The process for cleaning Twice Daily (of dirt, possible lead build-up, etc) was to lay them on a flat Pine board that has been saturated with powdered graphite. A gentle but firm amount of downward pressure upon the board cleaned the debris and LUBRICATED the Spaceband with its slightly wedge-shaped mechanism; allowing the line justification process to happen SMOOTHLY. Perfect, Ottmar!

Outstanding Mediterranean Market in Seattle named Goodies. Outrageous selection!

June 11, 2022

The 1822 Hawaiian Alphabet Primer. Though the Mission Press printed a great many works purely in Hawaiian, this simple work served as the basis of learning for many kanakas (humans) for a number of years. In 1826 the Alphabet was reduced to 12 letters with the removal of B, D, R, T, and V. These consonants were “deemed redundant to the ear of the hearer” (Editor’s comment in quotes). Also, another character has been added; the ‘ōkina (‘), a consonant bringing the count to 13.

Here is the sign we commissioned from Bill Mitchell, the Infamous Mural Painter of Anacortes, when we first came to town in 1999. This is one of a VERY few that Bill sold outright. We were fortunate to call him our friend.

Rest In Your Version of Peace, Bill!

June 8, 2022

A RARE ITEM INDEED! WANT IT? . . . letterpressmuseum@gmail.com

AVAILABLE: How about an Etching/Engraving Press? Once again, the vintage equipment of this discipline of Printing is very cool; BUT . . . we need Exhibit Space. Check out that beautiful GOLD LETTERING. A little T.L.C. will go FAR!

A nice shot of Sonny Bird, our White Ring-Necked Peace Dove. He’s “outside ‘The Big House’” as we say. He found us 16 years ago. I’m not really a bird-in-a-cage person; but we had just taken possession of two kitten siblings and it was for the betterment of all that he be primarily sequestered. Cats are 16 now, and all is well!

June 5, 2022

Bottom, 2nd from left, “The Rancher”is one of the many labels I’ve designed for Compass Wines here in Anacortes. I like to set lead type, use engravings from our VAST collection and do illustration or collage to create a one-off label. I then have it scanned to digital and it’s printed at a label company as a “continuous” roll (for bottling purposes). It is a lot of fun to collaborate with all sorts of printers and their different processes.

PLEASE NOTE . . . NY MILLS HISTORICAL SOCIETY IS NOT affiliated in any way with the LM of LP. I used their souvenir medallion as a prototype for my mold. That’s all.

I HAVE MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT THIS PROTOTYPE!* The Linotypist and Museum Director in me think that Matrices should be casting lines; not locked up in a Pewter Prison! However, the Artist and Museum Director in me think that this is a striking way to raise awareness on many levels. What do you think?

*No Matrices were harmed in the making of this prototype . . . “Hair Lines” present!

June 2, 2022

Engraving (cut) probably from the 1940’s - 1960’s judging from the Artists’ style and the material (magnesium) mounted on wood to .918” type high. Chemically acid-etched, these were the basis of virtually ALL letterpress illustrations. Our Museum is RIGHT THERE where it says: ANACORTES!

I had a one man art show at THE BUSINESS (record store and MORE!) in Anacortes. I had a great time coming up with the names of the Pieces; such as: “When the Snake Lies With the Bat, Peace is Possible”; “Let The Nice Clown Help You With Your A B C’s”; and “Five Things I No Longer Do”. There were about 30 pieces including two Mobiles that I am especially proud of. They were inspired by the Record Store aspect. When I teach myself how, I will attach a video of them in action! Stand by . . .

Here are The Sibling cats that LOVE Sonny Bird SO MUCH! Top to Bottom: Tawney Louise Marie and her brother Beauregard Lee. They were BEAUTIFULLY fostered by 2 families before we found them at The Cats Meow Shelter. They had a Booth at The Farmers Market! (The Shelter had The Booth . . . Not the Kittens!)

We LOVE what we do . . . and hope you do too!

A North American Post Still Life. It took 32 years; but we returned these to them Nov. 2021.

Meet Claire Renaissance. We enjoy growing roses on the “Museum Grounds” & have about 20-ish (?) that are ALL fragrant. Most are Heritage Roses from the 18th & 19th Centuries that are very hardy and disease-resistant. We purchased them locally. These roses are amazingly EASY to grow. Try it!

June 1, 2022

1896 LINOTYPE Stock Certificate

10 Shares x $100/share=$1000 value=a lot of money in 1896!

Rarely shown, the backs of these Certificates make for interesting reading. Nice penmanship, too! I have heard that Cursive Handwriting is no longer being universally taught in Elementary School. Maybe someone can contact us and give us some insight?

Fortunately, we are in posession of the LINOTYPE Stock Certificate you see depicted above.

Here is how we got it . . .

Back in the mid-1990’s, I attended a Conference of The American Typecasting Fellowship (ATF). This is an organization of folks who “still” use “Hot Metal” casting machinery such as: (but NOT limited to) Linotype, Intertype, Monotype, Ludlow, Thompson, etc.

The time we got together, they had a Letterpress Items/Ephemera Swap Meet; a Free Ephemera Table, and LOTS and lots of fellowship around things Letterpress with a focus on CASTING!

Core activities/Seminars were in Orange County (Buena Park, Calif.) at the “International Museum of Graphic Communication’s” original location; where we were fortunate to have Master Classes with some very knowledgable people. There was a strong sense of SHARING knowledge.

The Museum opened up their working Casting Department to us! We were able to cast many examples from many machines. Those examples reside in our Collection. Make an appointment and COME SEE!

At the core of their collection is the Life-Long Around the World Gatherings of ERNEST LINDNER. I was fortunate to call Ernie my Friend and he was an incredible person!

As Director of The Museum, Mark Barbour is about as dedicated a person anyone could ask for! His enthusiasm (over decades) seems never to flag. Thank You, Mark!

Their Museum was offering a few Stock Certificates for sale. Of course, as a life long Linotype person; I added it to the Collection. Wonderful addition!

The American Typecasting Fellowship took its name from the famous: American Type Foundry (ATF). There is a very interesting story attached to the Fellowship and what they did when the Foundry closed its doors FOREVER. It is worth pursuing.

Check them out!

So long for now . . .

May 30, 2022

Aloha and Welcome Back!

Something wonderful arrived today from New Haven, Connecticut, via UPS. Namely, an 1830 copy of: “Memoirs of Henry Obookiah”! I found this treasure online at: William Reese Company, for a very fair price.

As soon as my neighbors finish using their lawn care tools (I’m in our screened porch), I will tell you the rest of the story.

45 min . . .

If you have read the posts above about Henry, you will know how special this little book is to scholars of this period. The original was published in 1818; so this 1830 edition is “Revised by the Committee of Publication”. This book was the INSPIRATION the Christian Nation needed to make real the Mission to the Sandwich Islands that ‘Ōpūkaha’ia had envisioned.

As I mentioned, we have two reprints in our ENTENSIVE Library; but having this copy to add . . . This makes us very happy!

1830 sounds like a long, long time ago. In some ways, yes; but in many ways no. 190 years is only 2.5 Generations ago. Your Great Grandparents time, maybe?

Try to relate to these kanaka’s stories in a way that will allow you to “walk a mile in their shoes”. The Story of the Journey to Hawaiian Literacy is VERY convoluted; as many such stories tend to be. That is what I mean when I say I would like you to RELATE to as many of the aspects of their story as possible.

I think you will see what I mean when I say that THIS is likely the beginning of what most people think of as the “ALOHA” that is so distinctly Hawaiian.

The Missionaries’ message: LOVE.

The Hawaiians’ understanding: ALOHA.

I miss our White, Ring-necked Peace Dove Sonny Bird so I put this here. He will hold my place until my Tomorrow Post.

May 29, 2022

Here is the infamous “BEST CARAMELS I’ve EVER TASTED” Rx!

I like to draw Recipes, To-Do, and Grocery Lists instead of merely using words alone.

That’s it for now. I can smell dinner. That being leftover AMAZING Mexican food from our local greats; a small group: La Rosita with 3 locations in Wisconsin and Illinois. Everything you need: Taqueria (Taco-driven cuisine), Mercado (Grocery store), and Carneceria (Butcher). Ay Chihuahua! (Yikes!)

An example of The Bird Brain . . .

This in Anacortes: When this crow discovered that I had put a short length of tubing in our fountain to increase water flow, it pulled it up not once; but SEVEN times over two days! I made sure not to scare it away. I found it pretty amusing as it turned into a game, of sorts.

I LOVE BIRDS and generally spend a BIG part of my days watching them. No special gear or travel-based observation. Just looking at them. Sometimes I try to use my binoculars; but Kay and I have a joke that whenever you get the binoculars out - THE BIRD FLIES AWAY . . . and that’s O.K. because as I mentioned: just looking at them is plenty for me.

Every day I am thankful for my eyesight. I think often of those whose vision is compromised. My Parents told me: “Do what you can to help those less fortunate than yourself.” I try every day to live up.

May 28, 2022. HERE I GO!!

Aloha and Welcome to My First POST . . .

I didn’t plan it to begin this way; but I came across my Resumé from 2010 and thought it might be a good way for you to get to know a bit about The Author.

Here goes . . .

RESUME - Jeronimo Squires  

Recent Work Experience:

Bad Penny Letterpress; Seattle/Anacortes.  1988 – current.  Custom letterpress printing and design.  Partnership.  Co-responsible for all operations.

Clearsnap Holding from March 2002 to August 2010; Quality Assurance Manager.

Responsible for All Aspects of Quality for major art supply manufacturer. Raw materials; production; to shipped goods.  

January 2008 to August 2010, instructed in Lean Manufacturing principles, (Toyota Method) as a Continuous Improvement Champion. 

Certification in CPR, First Aid, and AED through Labor & Industries Training and the American Red Cross.  This is the 9th consecutive year I have been certified.  

Work History:

Gateway Business Forms; California.  Journeyman letterpress printer and Linotype compositor.  Supervisory position in a department of 18 individuals.

Huntington Beach News; California - Production and publication of an 8-page weekly newspaper.  

Printing By Hand; California - Custom letterpress printing products executed entirely by hand methods.  Sole proprietorship.

Fluor Corporation; California - In-house print shop/High Speed Copiers  

Atomic Age Press; California - Printing brokerage.  Sole proprietorship.

Eyrie Vineyards, Stonehedge, vineyard master – McMinnville, OR.   Responsible for day-to-day operation of vineyards year round.  Supervised crews during harvest & crush.   

Jeronimo’s Fine Mexican Food; Oregon - Owner/chef responsible for all operations.

Living Museum of Letterpress Printing; Seattle/Anacortes.  1988 – to present.  Co-founder.  Not-for-profit, in service of preserving printing’s history.  Education outreach.

Orrin F. Drew Fine Printing; Seattle. 1988 – 1999.  Co-owner of a ‘antique’ commercial letterpress printing business, established in Seattle in 1906.    

Brown Lantern Public House, Anacortes.  1998 – 1999 (17 months). Cook responsible for preparation of lunch/dinner menu.  Overlapping closing tasks at end of night.   

Old Fashioned Print Shop; Anacortes.  1999 – to 2010.  (Orrin F. Drew re-named.)

THEN came Bad Penny. (See above). 

Whispering Winds Fine Pewter; Anacortes.  1999 – 2002.  Creation of production molds Member of Research & Development Team and Safety Committee.

Clearsnap Holding, Inc.; Burlington.  2002 – August 2010.  Quality Assurance Manager.  Spearheaded establishment of WISHA-approved safety program. New Products Development Team and Safety Committee.  Extensive training in Lean Manufacturing Techniques (Toyota Method) as a Continuous Improvement Champion, of which critical analysis and teaching are key components.  

  Community Affiliations:

          President Anacortes Farmers Market Board of Directors 2013

          Treasurer Anacortes Farmers Market Board of Directors 2010 - 2012

          Volunteer Padilla Bay Foundation 2002 - Present

          Volunteer Museum of Northwest Art, La Conner 2005 - Present

          Volunteer Anacortes History Museum 2002 – Present

          Volunteer Skagit Land Trust 2003 – Present

          Founder & Director of Living Museum of Letterpress Printing Foundation 1988 – Present


South Gate High School-  Industrial Arts Major.   Linotype operation; both during high school and in advanced classes.

Los Angeles Trade/Technical College - Academic/Trade focus.  Two-year program as Linotype compositor.  Thorough exploration of printing and design concepts. 

Cerritos, Huntington Beach & Costa Mesa Community Colleges - Part time student.  Studies included history of printing and design, photography, museology. 

Thank you for this opportunity!